Fahrwerksbuchsen für den Defender sind spezielle Komponenten, die im Fahrwerksystem des Land Rover Defender zum Einsatz kommen. Das Fahrwerk ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil eines Fahrzeugs und trägt maßgeblich zur Stabilität, dem Komfort und der Sicherheit bei. Die Fahrwerksbuchsen sind Gummielemente, die als Verbindungsglied zwischen verschiedenen Fahrwerkskomponenten dienen. Die Hauptfunktion der Fahrwerksbuchsen besteht darin, Vibrationen und Stöße zu absorbieren und die Übertragung auf den Fahrzeugaufbau zu minimieren.
Fahrwerkbuchsen und die Funktion beim Defender
Sie helfen dabei, das Fahrzeug bei Unebenheiten auf der Straße stabil zu halten und tragen zur Reduzierung von Geräuschen und Vibrationen im Innenraum bei. Im Falle des Land Rover Defenders sind die Fahrwerksbuchsen besonders robust ausgelegt, um den Anforderungen des Geländewagens gerecht zu werden. Der Defender ist dafür bekannt, anspruchsvolles Gelände zu bewältigen und ist häufig im Offroad-Einsatz. Daher müssen die Fahrwerksbuchsen widerstandsfähig sein, um den Belastungen durch Unebenheiten, Schlaglöcher und Geländeunebenheiten standzuhalten. Hochwertige Fahrwerksbuchsen für den Defender bestehen aus strapazierfähigem Gummi oder Polyurethan. Sie sind so konstruiert, dass sie Verschleiß und Alterung standhalten und gleichzeitig eine optimale Dämpfungseigenschaft bieten. Durch regelmäßige Wartung und gegebenenfalls den Austausch der Fahrwerksbuchsen kann die Leistungsfähigkeit des Fahrwerks erhalten bleiben und ein sicherer Fahrzeugbetrieb gewährleistet werden.
Fahrwerksbuchsen beim Defender und Handling
Insgesamt spielen die Fahrwerksbuchsen eine wichtige Rolle für das Fahrverhalten und die Stabilität des Land Rover Defenders. Sie tragen dazu bei, ein komfortables Fahrerlebnis zu ermöglichen und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit und Kontrolle des Fahrzeugs zu gewährleisten, insbesondere bei anspruchsvollen Geländefahrten.
Bushings tie rod bearing Land Rover Genuine
Suspension bushings axle bearing Land Rover Defender for the tie rods
Installed quantity/vehicles 4 pieces
Delivery quantity 1 piece
Suitable for vehicles from chassis number LA930456
Caster correction kit for the Land Rover Defender. The inexpensive alternative to modified trailing arms. The caster is absolutely necessary when raising the chassis.
Caster correction front axle for Land Rover Defender.
Land Rover Defender axle caster correction kit for the front axle made of high performance polyurethane for vehicles with discreet lift. In case of chassis modifications respectively a slight lifting the axle geometry has to be adjusted as well. If you modify your vehicle, you should do it properly.
This heavy-duty correction kit can be used for lift from about 25 to 40 mm. However, we recommend such an adjustment only for vehicles that are not exposed to adverse conditions.
Bushings tie rods front axle correspond(NTC6781)
Bushings mounting tie rods front axle frame side (ANR6971 NRC4514)
Material Polyurethane
From chassis number LA930456 > until year of manufacture 01.2016
Suspension bushing set for tie rods axle side Land Rover Discovery 2.
High performance bushing set for tie rods (front axle) for all Land Rover Discovery 2 models, especially suitable for vehicles that are exposed to high loads off-road or long distance travel.
Alternative OE part number: RBX101680Included in the set: 4x high performance bushings 4x steel bushing reinforced 1x mounting grease
Suspension bushing set for tie rods frame side Land Rover Discovery 2.
Tie rod high performance bushing set for front axle to frame suitable for all Land Rover Discovery 2 models. Particularly suitable for vehicles subjected to high loads off-road or long distance travel.
Alternative OE part number: RBX101680Included in the set: 2x high performance bushings 2x steel bushing reinforced 1x mounting grease
Suspension Bushings Tie Rod Axle Bearing
Land Rover Defender suspension bushings set for the tie rods
Installed quantity/vehicles 4 pieces
Delivery quantity 4 pieces
Suitable for vehicles from chassis number LA930456
The high-performance suspension bushing set for the Land Rover Discovery 3 provides especially for vehicles that are regularly moved off-road for a much higher durability. These PU suspension bushings are made of a special compound and the so-called "Shore" (the degree of hardness) is specially adapted to a particular type of vehicle.
Land Rover Discovery 3 high performance suspension bushing set complete
The field of application for high performance suspension bushings starts with the simple improvement of the suspension handling up to the improvement of the durability under adverse conditions. Especially protected vehicles suffer from the extremely high dead weight of handling problems during normal road driving. Ideal are the high-performance bushings for long-distance travel and vehicles with trailer operation, the steering becomes much more rigid and direct in road traffic, roll tendencies are minimized. Safety in road traffic is significantly improved and for off-road applications, durability is increased many times over.
Installation time approx. 8 hours
Areas of application, protected vehicles, long-distance vehicles, trailer operation, improvement of handling in road traffic
Polyurethane is a petroleum-based synthetic plastic available in many grades. Low-quality materials are often used in industrial applications. However, there are also extremely high-performance polyurethane materials. This is used in the high-performance bushings for the Land Rover Defender. It is a particularly temperature-resistant oil. It is also diesel resistant and enormously resilient to permanent deformation.
The Land Rover Defender high performance suspension bushing kit is designed to withstand particularly heavy off-road loads. Special vehicles that are regularly driven off-road and in the most adverse conditions require high quality heavy duty bushings to increase durability. These PU suspension bushings are made of a special polyurethane compound. The so-called hardness grade has been specially developed for extreme loads for the Defender.
Land Rover Defender high performance suspension bushing set complete
The field of application for the Defender is as versatile as its fans. With the high-performance suspension bushings, the improvement begins with the chassis handling to the improvement of durability under the toughest loads with overloaded vehicle in the most extreme off-road applications. Especially protected Land Rover Defenders in military use suffer from handling & durability problems under normal road driving due to the extremely high dead weight. The high performance bushings are ideal for long distance travel and vehicles with trailer operation. Steering becomes much more rigid and direct on the road. The tendency to roll is minimized. Road safety improves significantly and durability increases many times over for off-road applications.
Installation time approx. 8 hours
Areas of application, protected vehicles, long-distance vehicles, trailer operation, improvement of handling in road traffic.
The set includes:
4x bushings tie rods (front-axle side)
4x silent bearing tie rods (frame side)
2x bushings push rods (rear-axle side)
2x silent bearing unit (frame side)
2x bushings Panhard rod
2x bushings wishbone (frame side)
4x assembly grease